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/ History of the World / History of the World (Bureau Development, Inc.)(1992).BIN

Directories (2)
Name# Files   Name# Files
dp509   how8

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
dp13.exe LHArc Archive 2 119KB 1992-09-16

Images (1)

Audio & Music (1)
History of the World (Bureau Development, Inc.)(1992)-02.mp3 MPG Layer 3 Audio File 41m42s 60MB 1992-01-01

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
aareadme Text File 76 3KB 1991-09-03
aareadme.1st Text File 124 5KB 1991-09-03
booklist.dat Text File 1,116 22KB 1992-11-10
menutext.dat Text File 13,193 2MB 1992-11-13
msgtext Text File 52 724b 1992-10-11
read.me Text File 227 8KB 1992-09-11
readme.1st Text File 154 7KB 1991-09-06
vgatest.doc Text File 82 3KB 1991-09-06

Other Files (3)
setup.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 29KB 1992-09-16
vgatest.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 150KB 1992-09-16
menutext.idx Unknown 32KB 1992-11-13